Tuesday 12 August 2014

Day 5 of Recovery

I slept on my side again because I was just so fed up of tossing and turning in bed giving myself a bad back by trying to sleep sitting up. It paid off again because I slept really well all the way throughout the night without waking up even once!

I finally woke up at about 10:30am and at 11am I dragged myself out of bed and downstairs. I had my normal dose of antibiotics (I feel like I should point out that I had three doses of antibiotics a day - one with breakfast, one at lunchtime and one before bed) and then I had another Muller strawberry shortcake yoghurt for breakfast.

Nan visited me again this morning and made me laugh (internally) by telling me to smile and then when I mumbled that I couldn't because of the swelling she replied that she was sure I could and maybe I just wasn't trying. Although my face wasn't really that swollen at this point it was still pretty paralysed around the mouth, which was still making it difficult to eat and brush my teeth etc.

I feel like day 5 was the first day of my recovery that I started eating a normal (ish) amount of food. Throughout the day I managed yoghurts, yoghurt drinks, chicken noodle soup, french onion soup, quavers and orange flavoured hot chocolate.

I had a really long bath, which felt like absolute bliss although I had to be careful not to get my plasters wet so I didn't wash my hair, just dry shampooed it. I had my hair up on top of my head to avoid getting it wet and I realised that with my ponytail and swollen face I bore a striking resemblance to DW's imaginary friend, Nadine (does anyone else remember "Arthur"? What a great show that was). Then I french plaited my hair up and put real clothes on and instantly felt a million times more human. I also took the dressing off my hand where the canula had been but it was still bleeding a little bit so I put a normal plaster over it just to keep it protected.

In the afternoon we went to the common with the dogs again. It was the same routine as yesterday but I walked faster, breathed easier, stayed longer and still felt less tired! Definite progress. On the way home we popped into Morrison's to do some shopping and it was a little bit depressing to walk round the supermarket buying only thin liquid foods.

When we got back I watched some more television while Mom cooked tea for the rest of the family. It smelled really good and it got me craving solid foods again. At the moment though I've got a monopoly on the fridge as all the foods I can eat seem to be yoghurts and half cans of soup so I've got a lot of stuff that needs to be kept cold. Rich came round and we watched some TV and then watched random YouTube videos.

I spent the evening in my (new) normal routine of watching telly and drinking mugs of soup and hot chocolate but I went to bed a little earlier (at about 10:30pm) as I would be getting up early in the morning for my appointment with my consultant.

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